Disclaimer: Information presented herein does not represent an endorsement of Enlist E3 soybean technology nor any seed trait or herbicide product. The purpose of this publication is solely to educate potential applicators and promote effective use of the Enlist E3 soybean technology from Corteva Agriscience.
Winter has come and gone and Spring is officially here. This means that farmers around Wisconsin and across the Midwest are getting prepared to hit the ground running when the time comes.
At this point, we understand that most seed and chemical orders have been placed and the decision on whether or not to adopt the novel soybean herbicide trait technologies (RR2YX, LLGT27, and Enlist E3) has been made. A recent survey conducted by the UW-Madison Cropping Systems Weed Science Lab provided interesting insight of how Wisconsin farmers intend to adopt these technologies.
Survey results included 58 participants representing approximately 330,000 soybean acres across 46 WI counties. According to participants, 14% of the represented acres in the survey will be planted with Enlist E3 soybeans in 2020 compared to 1% in 2019. Of those acres, 81% and 63% are expected to receive a 2,4-D choline and glufosinate application POST-emergence, respectively.
With the anticipated increased adoption of Enlist E3 soybeans and 2,4-D choline POST-emergence (particularly targeting waterhemp control), this is an essential time to review some of the important information regarding 2,4-D choline applications in Enlist E3 soybeans.
First and foremost, Enlist One (2,4-D choline) and Enlist Duo (2,4-D choline and glyphosate premix) are the only 2,4-D products labeled for use in Enlist E3 soybeans. Other 2,4-D products are NOT labeled thus should NOT be used in Enlist E3 soybeans.
Application Window and Rate Structure:
- Enlist One application rate: 1.5 – 2 pts/acre*
- Enlist Duo application rate: 3.5 – 4.75 pts/acre*
- Apply Enlist herbicides when weeds are small (< 4 inches)
- Apply Enlist herbicides no later than R2 (full flowering stage) in Enlist E3 soybeans
- Two POST-emergence applications maximum within a growing season with a minimum of 12 days between applications (keep in mind that overreliance will lead to additional weed resistance)
*Maximum label rates of Enlist herbicides should be used when managing troublesome weeds such as waterhemp.
Sensitive Area Buffers:
- 30 ft buffer downwind between application area and sensitive areas
- Examples of sensitive areas:
- wooded area
- pasture
- roadside ditch
- lawns
- Buffers are not meant to protect downwind adjacent susceptible crops
- Buffers are a requirement from EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) to protect potential endangered species habitat areas
Susceptible Crops:
- Do not spray Enlist One or Enlist Duo herbicides when adjacent susceptible crops are downwind
- Examples of susceptible crops:
- grapes
- tomatoes
- cucurbits (watermelon, squash, pumpkins)
- fruiting vegetables
- tobacco
- non-Enlist cotton
Compatible Crops:
- Crops not listed as susceptible on the Enlist One and Enlist Duo labels which can be downwind from application
- Examples of compatible crops:
- non-Enlist soybeans
- corn
- wheat
- alfalfa
- sorghum
- rice
- peanuts
- sugarcane
- sweet potato
Yes, with adequate environmental conditions and proper sprayer setup, Enlist One or Enlist Duo can be sprayed when non-Enlist E3 soybeans are downwind.
Mixing and Application Considerations:
- 10 gallons or more per acre of spray volume (15 GPA is recommended)
- Use high level of gallonage when tank mixing
- Use plenty of water between additions for induction tanks
- Tank-mix sequence procedures (begin with half-full tank of water; begin agitation and continue throughout mixing process):
- AMS / water conditioning agents
- Pre-slurry water-soluble packets
- Wettable powders / dry flowables
- Compatibility agents
- Liquid flowables
- Capsule suspension (CS) or suspension emulsion (SE)
- Emulsifiable concentrate (EC)
- Soluble liquids (SL)
- Enlist Duo
- Enlist One*
- Glyphosate products
- Crop Oil Concentrate (COC), NIS, other adjuvants
- Top off with water carrier
*When mixing with Enlist One, do not pour glufosinate products or potassium salt of glyphosate into the tank at the same time as Enlist One. Add products one at a time, allowing enough time for recirculation between additions of each separate product.
Approved Enlist E3 Tank Mixes*:
- Enlist One: https://www.enlist.com/en/approved-tank-mixes/enlist-one.html
- Enlist Duo: https://www.enlist.com/en/approved-tank-mixes/enlist-duo.html
*Applicators should check websites frequently throughout the growing season to ensure they have the most up to date information regarding approved tank mixes.
It is important to note that a glyphosate, 2,4-D choline and glufosinate tank mix is only permitted with the Enlist One formulation. Glufosinate products are not approved for tank mix with Enlist Duo.
It is also important to note that Roundup PowerMAX which is labeled for use in “Roundup Ready Crops” now has a supplemental label for use in Glyphosate-Tolerant Crops such as Enlist E3 soybeans and LLGT27 soybeans in Wisconsin. You can find the labels on the CDMS label database.
Approved Enlist E3 Allowable Nozzles:
- Enlist One: https://www.enlist.com/en/approved-tank-mixes/enlist-one/enlist-one-allowable-nozzles.html
- Enlist Duo: https://www.enlist.com/en/approved-tank-mixes/enlist-duo-allowable-nozzles.html
Adopt best management practices and follow label requirements to minimize particle drift.
Sprayer/Tank Cleanout Guide:
Getting the Most out of 2,4-D:
- Start clean and use an effective PRE-emergence herbicide program*
- Spray small weeds (4 inches or less) & consider a layered-residual approach
- Large droplet size
- Understand the landscape (be aware of sensitive areas and susceptible crops)
- Follow label requirements by the book!
*For assistance with PRE-emergence herbicide selection, check our publication: “Residual Control of Waterhemp with PRE-emergence Herbicides in Soybeans”.
For further guidance on proper Enlist One and Enlist Duo applications consult the Enlist Herbicides website
Additional Considerations:
Our low tunnel volatility and large-scale drift trials conducted at UW Arlington Ag Research Station and Sun Prairie, WI have indicated minimal to no injury from 2,4-D choline into non-Enlist soybeans. Check our video from the 2019 large-scale 2,4-D field trial:
Glufosinate can also be sprayed POST-emergence in Enlist E3 soybeans, which gives farmers an additional chemical option for broadleaf weed control. Check our video “getting the most out of glufosinate“:
For more information regarding our 2,4-D and glufosinate efficacy trials check our 2019 Wisconsin Weed Science Research Report.
Finally, it is important to use an integrated weed management approach with multiple strategies (e.g., mix and rotate effective herbicide sites of action, crop rotation, promote good agronomics to hasten canopy closure, incorporate cover crops, use of tillage when appropriate, etc.) to postpone evolution of weed resistance to 2,4-D and glufosinate.
Acknowledgments: Many thanks to our Industry and University colleagues who provided valuable feedback towards this blog article.
Authors: Nicholas Arneson (UW-Madison Weed Science Outreach Specialist) and Rodrigo Werle (UW-Madison Extension Cropping Systems Weed Scientist).