2021 UW Cover Crop Plot Tour

A group of farmers from southern Wisconsin recently asked whether they could visit our cover crop research plots at Arlington Agricultural Research Station; our answer was: “absolutely; and why not partner up with other UW Extension colleagues and also invite our clientele from other parts of the state?!”

Event Description: Join us on July 01 from 1:00PM-3:30PM at Arlington Agricultural Research Station to visit our conventional and organic cover crop research plots, check equipment and exchange knowledge with University Specialists and fellow farmers adopting cover crops in their crop production systems.

See event flyer for complete information:


Meet at 12:45PM
Public Events Building, Arlington Agricultural Research Station
N695 Hopkins Road, Arlington, WI

Water and soda will be provided during the plot tour (no food will be provided)!

Folks attending this event may also be interested in attending the UW Small Grain Field Day (which will take place the morning of July 01, 10AM-NOON).

Adhering to UW-Madison requirements on outdoor university affiliated events, individuals may choose to wear a face covering and those who are not vaccinated to COVID-19 should maintain six feet physical distancing and if physical distancing is not possible, wear a face covering.

Hope to see you then!

Rodrigo Werle, Extension Cropping Systems Weed Scientist, Department of Agronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison on behalf of the Cover Crop Plot Tour Hosts (Dr. Erin Silva, Dr. Brian Luck, Mike Bertram, Nick Arneson, et al.).

Questions? Please email rwerle@wisc.edu